Friday, January 29, 2010

What to do on a Friday?

This is a first for Mormon Cook. I am writing this post on my phone via email. Tonight was one of those nights where we didn't desire to make what we had planned and we are cutting back on eating out. So Mrs. MC brought some supplies to my mom's house (we also wanted to be out of the house) and said make something. So here is the invention. I call it Butter Braised Herb Chicken. (This was taking way to long on the phone, I switched).

So here is how it went down. I started by frying some whole fresh herbs in the pan with some olive oil. I used a couple sprigs of Rosemary, Thyme and Sage. Fry these for a few minutes and then pull out. Add to the pan two cloves of garlic chopped. Fry this for just a little bit. Don't let it brown or it will get bitter.

Next put the chicken in the pan. I used three skinless breasts. You could use almost any chicken but this worked well. Cook the chicken until browned on all sides. Then add back the herbs on the top of the chicken. Add a few tablespoons of butter and cook 2-3 more minutes until butter is melted and foamy. Next add enough chicken broth to cover the chicken half way. Cover and cook until the chicken is done.

Remove the chicken and the most of the herbs, let a few leaves and such stay behind. Add about a cup of milk and return to boil. Make a thickener by mixing milk and flour and add thickener like you would for gravy until the sauce hits the thickness you want. Now return the chicken to the pan and cover with the sauce. Thats it. It was yummy.

On the side we had Broccoli done a la melting pot. We have decided after eating it as Melting Pot in their broth fondue that we like broccoli this way. So in order to do it I put three cups of chicken broth in a pot added bunch of chopped cilantro and three limes cut in half, squeezed into the pot and then added peel and all into the pot. Boil this for about 5-10 minutes and then strain all the stuff out and boil your broccoli in it. Its amazing.

1 comment:

Susan R said...

Listen...I'm completely serious. You could be a chef. Where do you come up with these recipes? I need to have your family over for dinner....and by that I mean you'll be doing the cooking.